There are two very important issues we need to continue to work on to restore an effective democracy to our country. The first is the public funding of elections and the second is redistricting reform.
I have been working for years to bring forth a public elections funding bill. I plan to submit to some of our legislative friends a proposal for the public funding of some Judicial elections in Texas. I will keep you posted on how that goes. Along with that I have attempted twice before to get a referendum on the Democratic Party Primary ballot enabling Democratic voters to declare their support for the public funding of campaigns. I have been twice rebuffed by the State Democratic Executive Committee in this effort. I will try once again for the 2012 Primary.
On the matter of redistricting reform I have submitted a plan twice to the Texas Legislature for the establishment of an independent Texas Redistricting Commission. I have had some legislative support and our proposal has had hearings by legislative committees, but the issue has been left without a committee vote to move it forward to the entire Legislature. I will once again present this proposal to the current Texas Legislature in hopes of gaining more support and a presentation to the entire legislature for a vote.
Again I will keep you informed on how this goes.
I ask you to speak to and write to your friends and legislative representatives and ask them to step up and support these critical issues.
John C.
Guadalupe Dem's are planning a lobby day in Austin sometime later this session. Please keep us informed so we can help push your agenda. Thanks for all you do.